Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Getting in touch with my inner Swede

I'm now officially a member of the Chicago Nordic Choir --a group of about 20 gorgeous, model-like Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes. I'm part Swedish, part Danish and can carry a tune, but not-so-model like. I guess they want me anyway since they're short on second sopranos. Not that I speak a lick of Swedish or Norwegian. Last night I pretty much mumbled my way through rehearsal. I guess I have a lot of learning to do for our first gig of the year-- Waffle Day at the Swedish-American Museum in Andersonville! It's at 5211 N Clark St. on March 25 at 3p. Come if you're in the area. Hopefully I'll know a little Swedish by then... or just come for the waffles.


ann said...

hey, i'm so proud! we can actually be good swedes w/out eating the lutefiske on christmas eve!

David said...

You are the most gorgeous, modelificent sailor in my personal Scandi-navy, ya knucklehead. I cant wait to hear yall sing my favorite, "Ya, Sven, There's Another Meatball."