Monday, July 16, 2007

8 Random Things About Me

Apparently I've been "tagged" by my blogger friend Mrs. Metaphor. I'm supposed to write 8 random things about they are:

1. I like pickles. I'll eat a whole jar in one sitting if left alone.

2. I brush my teeth several times a day, which leads me to believe I may have a mild case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Or maybe I just don't like the taste left in my mouth after eating all those pickles.

3. My favorite TV show when I was 12 was Starsky and Hutch (or as David calls it, "Husky and Starch"). While most girls pined over blonde Hutch, I preferred the dark, exotic looking Starch.

4. I want to learn how to speak French. Magnifique!

5. I like the smell of old buildings.

6. In high school I had a history teacher who thought she was the reincarnated Lindberg baby.

7. I read trashy celebrity magazines when I'm working out on the elliptical machine.

8. I used to have a recurring dream that a black dog that looked like a bear with an upturned snout was chasing me down a path in the woods near my house. I haven't had that dream for 20 years. I wonder what it meant.

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