Wednesday, September 05, 2007

This too shall pass

I'm been feeling a knot in my stomach all day. The ball of anxiety that feels like gerbils in one of those clear plastic balls that allows them to run around without being eaten by the cat. The gerbils are restless today. They snuck up on me when I wasn't expecting it. Maybe it's because David started school today and the reality of our schedules for the next two years is sinking in. OR maybe it's because I found out I have to write 36 pithy headlines in 24 hours. It's a lot of pressure, being pithy. It makes the gerbils frantic.

Or maybe my anxiety is about the end of summer, or my hair, which hasn't been cut in three months, or the fact that we have to come up with school money and adoption money and I don't know where it's going to come from. I'm just waiting for it to appear. Out of nowhere. I just think we're due for a miracle or two and so I'm expecting God to come through any day now. So I'm waiting. Anxiously.

David gave me a backrub. He thought it might help. It didn't.

Then he told me to take a nap, because he thought that might help. I laid down under the afghan in the bedroom, but couldn't sleep because my mind was racing. So I got up and made a fruit smoothy.

Now I'm hoping that writing about it will help. The gerbils are still restless. I have to write 36 headlines. Maybe I'll go for a run and see if it will quiet the beasts in my stomach.

All shall be well, all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

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