Friday, September 21, 2007

Vacation Aftermath

As a reward for his insane hike up the sand dune (without me), David is battling a nasty rash. Somewhere on his hike he must have encountered Poison Oak. That's what he gets for being so ACTIVE on vacation....!


Anonymous said...

Well MY David had poison oak the week before YOUR david had it so I"m wondering if it's some sort of odd "David" rash going around.

Hope he's feeling better! My Dave ended up going to the Doc it was so bad...ack.

Dina said...

I'm glad my husband is not a David. He/we just went through kidney stones -- I'd hate to see him/us dealing with Poison Oak!

Dina said...

Oh -- and I'd love to say it's because I wouldn't want him to have to go through that, but it's really because I don't think I could deal with the whining!