Thursday, December 20, 2007

Adoption update

Last night David and I went to a meeting at our homestudy agency, The Cradle, here in Evanston. It's the first step in our homestudy process. Yes, we're on our way! Next I have to fill out an application, and then they will match us with a social worker who will get to know us and find out if we're fit to parent. This part of the process takes 4 - 5 months, apparently. After that, our "dossier" will be sent to our other "placing agency," Wide Horizons for Children, who will send everything to Ethiopia and then we'll start the wait to get placed with a child.

It seems like it's taken us forever to get to this point. I'm just so ready to get moving and feel like we're making progress. And it makes me nervous that so many people are starting to adopt from Ethiopia..I'm afraid something will they'll start putting age restrictions on their adoptions, or the country will be too overwhelmed to handle all of the adoptions...or something. I have to keep reminding myself that we're not in control, and that if we're supposed to have a child, it will happen one way or another. It's all about trusting God...and it's so hard.

One of my adoption/online friends, Lori, and her husband just got their referral. Check out this referral photo on their blog. Okay, doesn't that picture just make you want to go to Ethiopia and adopt about 10 babies?!


Anonymous said...

lijen and I are already seeing 'cute little clothes for karen and david's baby' christmas we'll hopefully get to add him/her to our present list :)

Jane said...

This is so exciting Karen! Seeing that beautiful little face has got me all jazzed for you guys. Can't wait to meet your little bundle.


Val said...
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Val said...

I'm with you Jane and Ann. I can't wait to meet the beautiful child God is getting ready for you and David to parent.