Friday, November 21, 2008


Anyone out there still reading this? Sorry for the absence. Life has been a little crazy here, and won't be letting up any time soon.

We knew going into this month that it would be a little mind-numbing. We've had lots of visitors -- LiJen (niece) and Josh (her new boyfriend) for a day (the little love-birds), and then my good friend Sheri was in town the evening of the election (GOBAMA!) We drank wine while sitting on the couch watching the happenings in Grant Park. I guess we could have been down in the park, but we didn't have tickets and wondered if we would even hear the speech if we were too far away. So we didn't want to take a chance. Plus, I hate crowds.

Then, we had our wonderful fundraising concert on November 9. It was amazing how well everything came together. We raised about $4,500 -- more than enough to get our homestudy done! That was our goal, because once we finish the homestudy, we can apply for adoption grants. You can read more about it here.

Then last weekend we took a whirl-wind trip down to Atlanta for the wedding of David's long-time friend, Stephen. It was great to get away for a little while and spend time with friends.

This weekend I'm staffing the Beloved Retreat. For the past 6 weeks our team has been meeting to plan for the weekend, and write our "narratives." The whole weekend is about stories -- the stories we tell each other about God working in our lives. And the more I'm around these Old St. Pats friends I'm more and more convinced that they're "my tribe." I don't feel like an outsider anymore (since I'm not catholic). The way they are living out their faith is very familiar to me. I'm grateful to have this opportunity to help others experience the retreat like I experienced it last year.

I will post photos of all of these events soon, and will try to update more frequently...!


Anonymous said...

Dude. Where is the Paypal button?

Jane said...

I'm still out here ;)