Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Top 10 things about getting laid off

1. You get to sleep past 6:30 a.m.
2. No more commute on the smelly EL
3. You can start dreaming of a whole new career
4. Two-hour lunches with friends
5. You can watch Oprah
6. You realize that things are so bad and out of your control that that only thing you can do is surrender
7. Forces you to trust God (see above)
8. Makes you realize what's really important in life
9. You lose weight from the anxiety
10. Can wear the same outfit every day and no one will notice

I'm finding ways to laugh at our situation. The comments in response to this NY Times article, "You're Fired! But your outfit's great," had me rolling on the floor. Especially comment #4 re: pleated pants. Maybe it's because I was reading it at 4:00 a.m.

What I wore when I was canned: Jeans that were tattered at the hems, a cool sweater and kickin' red cowboy boots. Glad I wore the red boots. But really wish I had washed my hair that morning. Dang.

Tuesday I woke up and washed my hair. Fresh start....


Anonymous said...


All I can say is...I lived through this with Medline...and when I say lived...I mean did almost do me in, but then I somehow rose out of the aftermath stronger, more sure of myself, and a better person. So I trudged through absolute hell...but got where I am today. And looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. I needed to not work there. It saved me. And no matter what, I do believe you will come out of this ok...even better :) I'm here for ya if you need to talk or anything!

Stacy G.

Ahnalog said...

I feel your pain. But your list of gain made me laugh! :) Hang in there!