Thursday, June 16, 2005

I'm baaaaack......

Wedding's over. I'm back online. And back in the beige cubicle -- much to my chagrin. But now I get to go home to a great husband who cooks dinner, mops the kitchen floor, gives me backrubs and selflessly agrees to clean the encrusted poop off my little kitty's bum. He's so cool....

No more fretting about bridesmaid dresses. I'm through with caterers. I'm finished obsessing over wedding hairdos and the price of hydrangea. The wedding came off with only a few minor hitches (curses to the baker who left the cardboard in the cake, but I still love my little nephew who was mortified at the thought of carrying a minature pillow down the 6-foot aisle. See, Jake, you didn't have to kiss the flower girls after all....).

Now we can get on with real life where we have to pay our bills and take out the trash and deal with the fact that marriage doesn't solve all of our problems. Bummer. But we're in it together, at least. The two of us and God. I've been praying for help a lot these days. Because this venture is scary and our bills are overwhelming and I have a hard time not letting it get to me. But this is life. And I know I have lots to learn and these things we have to face will teach me to be patient and kind and humble. And to love others and trust God.

And that's what it's all about, isn't it?

Oh -- and honey, we will go to Paris together someday. And one of these days I will also learn how to correctly post photos in this blog.

1 comment:

David said...

In fairness, husband only mopped part of the floor. And dealing with kitty's derriere may be a one-time proposition. Let's hope she doesnt make it a trend.