Monday, August 21, 2006

little miss sunshine

If you're planning on seeing Little Miss Sunshine, it's worth the 9 bucks. I went by myself the other night while David was volunteering at a youth center. Yes, it was one of the few nights alone since I've been married. I didn't know what to do with myself. It was sad. So I went to the mall, hoping not to run into anyone I knew because I wasn't wearing any makeup and hadn't washed my hair (ahh, the life of a freelancer). I bought my small popcorn and diet coke, snuck into the dark theater, and sat in a middle seat. I was wanting an escape, some inspiration, something. Maybe I was feeling sad because I was alone. Or maybe it was just my darned depression that seems to pop up from time to time. whatever it was, I was hoping little miss sunshine would at least let me escape my troubled mind for a few hours. It takes a lot for me to laugh. Little Miss Sunshine made me laugh, and is an interesting commentary on our success-driven culture. It made me laugh. It made me think. And I managed to escape the mall without seeing anyone I knew. It turned out to be a pretty darned good evening, even though i was solo.

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