Saturday, June 02, 2007

Monster Pig is really a pet named Fred

You may have read about the 11 year old boy who shot and killed a "wild" pig that weighed over a ton and was 9 feet long during a hunting outing with his father. It was in all of the papers because the size of the pig set some kind of record. Anyway, turns out the pig was raised as a pet named "Fred" from the time it was 6 weeks old. Then the owners got tired of it and sold it to a "canned hunting" farm in Alabama. These are places where animals are released into an area enclosed by fences. Hunters then pay money to go and hunt the animals. But the animals can't get away. The hunt isn't fair. It's like cheating.

Fred the pig was shot 4 days after it was released onto the farm. Needless to say, I"m appalled.

Read the Humane Society's story about it here.

1 comment:

David said...

This is horrific -- the humane society's account brought tears to my eyes, not least because my brother's family kept a pet pig when they lived in the country but later had to give it up to a shelter/rescue facility.
What IS it with mercenary scum who charge people to kill imprisoned animals? And the Dick Cheneys of the world who pay for the privilege of "hunting" in this reprehensible way? At least in Cheney's case it proves the maxim that how one treats animals is an accurate predictor of how they treat other people -- like the soldiers he insists on sending to the slaughterhouse called Iraq.