Saturday, November 03, 2007


Our TV died a few weeks ago. I went to turn on the TV from the remote control and nothing happened. I tried pressing the switch on the TV, still nothing. It was gone. Died in its sleep....a nice peaceful death.

We thought about going without. In fact we did for a week or so. We spent a lot of time sitting on the couch staring at each other...and going to Best Buy to lust after the flat screen HDTVs.

Then we got a FREE TV from friends...just out of the blue. We were babysitting their little boy, and mentioned how nice it was to watch a movie on their TV because we didn't have one...and they said "hey, we have an extra TV in storage -- it's yours!"

I was thinking today that I've never bought a TV. My parents gave me one. Then I upgraded to a huge black box that my friend, John, gave me when he moved to Tokyo three years ago. I bought his couch and loveseat, and he threw in the TV for free. Now our newest free TV.

The only problem with our new TV is that we haven't yet figured out how to connect the DVD player. So tonight, instead of settling in with my knitting project to watch "A Mighty Heart", I had to settle on Antiques Roadshow. After that, the choice became very bleak (we don't have cable). Right now, my choices are: Football game (ack!), one of the various CSIs (I don't have the stomach for it--all blood and gore), Home Shopping Network (everything is so UGLY), a ballroom dancing championship, two Spanish-language channels, and a religious channel program, "Morris Cerullo" who claims all of my problems will be solved by calling the prayer help-line at 1-86-756-4200. I'm seriously thinking about calling. We do need a financial maybe Morris can help. What do you think?

Maybe Morris could help me with my prayer dilemma: I feel like I'm asking for too much, most of it having to do with money. And no, it's not money to buy a new TV. I'm asking for money to help put my husband through grad school, or to pay off our debt, or to give an orphan a home. It feels like just way too much. Should I be asking for everything all at once? When David decided to go to grad school, I felt like we were taking a huge leap of faith. And then we decided to adopt...something I have felt called to do for ages, and we're not getting any younger. So we're also stepping out in faith with the adoption. So do ya think God can handle it all? Would he be so generous?

David thinks I'm praying all wrong. And he's probably right. I really do believe prayer is more about listening to God, and having a relationship with him. Being thankful, and communing with God. I do believe that. But I've also experienced God answering my specific prayers. And Scripture says, "Ask, and you shall receive", so what does that mean?

Prayer is such a mystery to me, which is probably what it's supposed to be. Maybe Mr. Cerullo can help. I think I'll call him now. Or maybe I'll just call the Home Shopping Network and buy a homely purse.

1 comment:

Mrs Metaphor said...

Oh, back away from the homely purse, I have tons I can send up to you...

As far as being specific about your requests....I dunno...I could go either way with that I guess but mostly I just ask God to keep me from feeling so afraid and that kind of covers the money issues, you know? I wonder what it would look like to uncover the money stuff and see what is underneath...then pray for that and see where it leads...