Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What kind of Christian are you?

Christianity Today posted an article today reporting on a survey that identifies 5 different types of Christians in America. They are:

Active Christians 19%

* Believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ
* Committed churchgoers
* Bible readers
* Accept leadership positions
* Invest in personal faith development through the church
* Feel obligated to share faith; 79% do so.

Professing Christians 20%

* Believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ
* Focus on personal relationship with God and Jesus
* Similar beliefs to Active Christians, different actions
* Less involved in church, both attending and serving
* Less commitment to Bible reading or sharing faith

Liturgical Christians 16%

* Predominantly Catholic and Lutheran
* Regular churchgoers
* High level of spiritual activity, mostly expressed by serving in church and/or
* Recognize authority of the church

Private Christians 24%

* Largest and youngest segment
* Believe in God and doing good things
* Own a Bible, but don't read it
* Spiritual interest, but not within church context
* Only about a third attend church at all
* Almost none are church leaders

Cultural Christians 21%

* Little outward religious behavior or attitudes
* God aware, but little personal involvement with God
* Do not view Jesus as essential to salvation
* Affirm many ways to God
* Favor universality theology

So what kind of Christian are you?


Mrs Metaphor said...

Ha! I reject these labels....

Here's my list if there must be one:
* Believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ (not a ticket to heaven salvation but a life of the Spirit salvation)

* Committed churchgoers (change this to community and we have a deal.)

* Bible readers (I love the Word...I just do.)

* Accept leadership positions (I believe in leadership shown and offered through giftedness)

* Invest in personal faith development through the church (faith developement comes all day every day in every single interaction...I don't necessarily need a church"program" to do this but I don't discard this completely)

* Focus on personal relationship with God and Jesus (I love my Jesus)

Similar beliefs to Active Christians, different actions (I just want to love all people....I just do.)

* High level of spiritual activity, mostly expressed by serving in church and/or
community (this is my goal...right now in the middle of nowhere it's been hard to realize.

* Believe in God and doing good things

* Spiritual interest, but not within church context (yes, this TOO)

peace Karen!

Anonymous said...

I would at THIS time in my life consider myself between the last two somewhere.

Although, I have fit into a different category before in my life and will probably again..... who knows.

Great discussion!


Misty said...

Hi! i linked here from Jamie's blog... Somewhere between one and two... I guess more or less one, only we are not really legalistic and we aren't in any leadership roles...

emily said...

Also coming from Jamie-- I do believe in the saving grace of Jesus. I don't like to be put into groups though:) If I had to pick a group-- I am in group one.

Feel called to live a life of radical obedience to Jesus! I pretty much fail at this each and every day though-- grace, grace!!

Good discussion!

Erin said...

I'm probably closest linked to group one.

But I don't like Christianity today ;)

I'm also VERY VERY jaded with the modern church and reject a LOT of traditional churches and church leadership.

I do loves me some bible.

Anonymous said...

i guess i would fall somewhere betweeen liturgical and professing. we have had a hard time finding a church so we do church at home by ourselves. so by some people's definition we wouldn't be christians at all. i was recently asked by someone else what i think it means to be a christian and i think this: I believe a Christian is someone who wants and tries to love God by believing in Him. I also believe that Christians must believe in Christ’s divinity – in the fact that He was resurrected and will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Musings of a Housewife said...

I'm here from Jamie's. I'm definitely in the first two groups. I know people often feel jaded by "organized religion" and for good reason. Still, I believe God works through the body of believers, and church attendance is such an important part of developing that community of faith. I wish we could all be a little more forgiving and a little less critical, but we are all sinners and we all fall short of perfection every day. So I thank God for the gift of forgiveness and salvation thru faith in His Son. :-)

Dina said...

I'm #1 with litugical leanings who's a slacker when it comes to Bible reading.