Friday, February 15, 2008

Cuteness, Valentine's day, Lent

I have a new online acquaintance, Kristin, who just got a referral for a three year old little girl from Ethiopia. Check out her blog to see photos. (scroll down.) How cute is she?! Since we're hoping to adopt a little girl around this same age, I get really excited seeing photos like this. Kristin said they only waiting 5 months for a referral, which is encouraging. They're traveling soon to get her.

I also got excited when a friend recently sent me a picture to hang in our child's room. It was such a thoughtful gift. David put it on top of the bookshelf, where we can see it and be reminded of what's to come. I can't wait to decorate the room.


I'm usually not one for Hallmark-created holiday's like Valentine's Day. But it was very nice to come home last night to a clean house and flowers on the table. My husband's the best.


I was going to give up sugar for Lent, but that lasted about a day and yesterday I ate two cupcakes and three pieces of Valentine's chocolate. So now I'm a failure at both Lent and Weight Watchers. Lord have mercy.

So instead of giving up chocolate for Lent, I'm taking the advice of Scot McNight and saying the Jesus Creed every morning and evening until Easter:

Hear O Israel! The Lord our God, The Lord is one.
Love the Lord your God with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no commandment greater than these.

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