Saturday, May 31, 2008


Here are some photos of my weekend with the family. My "little" nephews -- the four youngest of my 10 nephews -- are getting big and like to tell jokes with the word "poop" in them. What is it with little boys and their obsession with bodily functions? Hmmm.

Well, I humored them and laughed at their jokes. I tried to get pictures of them swinging, but ended up with lots of leg photos. That's okay, because I love little boy legs. They're all knobby kneed and puppy-like. And the green Crocks really rock....


Val said...

Your nephews are so cute! And it looks like they had a blast with Aunt Karen.

jerilynn said...

your are definitely a very fun aunt!!! :)

amy wolgemuth bordoni said...

What? No "poop" joke? Love the green croc/leg photo.