Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One step closer....

We're moving forward again with the adoption. We got stalled there for a few months, after dental and medical bills kept eating away at our freelance income that's trickling in. But now we're back on track. We handed in more paperwork to The Cradle this week. We also had to write our "autobiographies" -- a 5 - 7 page story of our lives -- so the social worker can get a better idea of who we are. Next, she'll schedule individual meetings with us to talk more, then we have one more meeting with her where she'll come to our home and make sure we don't live in squalor. I guess I should pick up that 3-foot pile of clothes I have in the corner before she arrives. And wipe down the stove, which currently has a layer of cat hairs sticking to it. Cooking grease and a cat shedding her winter coat is not a good combination. I swear I wipe it down every other day (the stove, not the cat), and the cat hairs just find their way back.

Now that David is finished with school for the year, he can spend a little more time working and making money for the adoption. Plus, our friend Val graciously offered to
help us put together a fundraising concert, which we're hoping to have at the end of July / beginning of August. We have "talent" lined up and we're just trying to find a great venue....that's free. No easy task. Here's the lineup so far:

A friend of Val's from Chicago's Lyric Opera will be singing (thanks Val!)

Our friend John Judd will perform a theatrical piece with our other actor friend Celeste. John just finished shooting a scene with Johnny Depp (!) for Depp's new film about John Dillinger. If his scene doesn't get cut, you'll see John in the very first scene of the film -- he's playing a prison guard that Depp beats up with a revolver.

Our friend Rae Ann will sing a few numbers.

Val will play a piano piece (I think)

Nordic Voices of Chicago (my choir!) will perform

Our friend Mike Lipuma will read some poetry

David might sing a few tunes.

Hopefully we'll have a few more acts lined up before the big night, but I'm getting excited about it. Even if we don't raise a lot of money, I think it will be fun!

Stay tuned for more info.


mrs metaphor said...

Hey, I'll play if you want me. I've been developing a set for playing live on geetar with some new material that I think is perty's a little Nashville but I likes it.
: )

You should tap that Jane and Andy...they are mighty good.

amy wolgemuth bordoni said...

I'm excited for your adoption and can't wait for the "gig." Sounds like a high-end "art night." Fun!