Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On being Pro-life and Pro-Obama

Okay, I promised I wouldn't talk about politics. But I just can't help myself. I found this fascinating article on the Huffington Post written by Frank Schaeffer (son of Francis Schaeffer).

Frank and his father were leaders in the original pro-life movement. Now Frank is a supporter of Obama and in this article answers the question "How can you be pro-life and pro-Obama?

He writes:

"The Republican leadership is not pro-life. They are simply against abortion for reasons of political expediency. They are also for torture and military aggression. And they chose a literal executioner for president; a former governor who has more blood on his hands than any other modern American governor; Mr. Texas-sized, Capital Punishment-with-no-mercy-no-pardons hang em' high himself.

The Republicans have contributed to climate change by coddling oil companies and car companies and ducking the hard environmental and energy policy questions for thirty years. They have literally sold our country to the highest polluting bidders from the Saudis to the Chinese. Therefore the Republicans have literally risked the ability of our planet to sustain all human life born and unborn. So much for human life values.

Who will help us to become a nation that values life -- abortion rhetoric aside? Obama."


amy wolgemuth bordoni said...

I have always wondered why in the world anti-abortion is the only definition of pro-life. Finally, words to my thoughts. Thank you.

Dina said...

I am pro-life and pro-Obama and have always wondered how the pro-life side could be so hawkish on war and favor the death penalty. I'm pro ALL life, not just unborn children. I also don't think criminalizing abortion is the answer. Until BOTH sides of the abortion debate agree to work together to keep reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, we'll never see an appreciable drop in abortion rates, even if it is illegal.