Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New adoption blog here. Website coming soon...

So I haven't posted for a month and I look on my "stat counter" today and see that you're still checking in. Sorry to have disappointed you every time you've click onto my blog for the past month only to see the same, old post staring you in the face.

I can make excuses and tell you that I've been busy (I have).

Or I can tell you the truth and say that I haven't been in the mood to blog. Blogging takes energy. And a certain amount of inspiration. And when you know there are a handful of people who are loyal followers, you sometimes feel obligated to post regularly. It's a big responsibility. Okay, it's not that big of a deal, but some times I don't want the pressure of having to come up with something half-way intelligent to say. That's what I do at work all day -- try to come up with witty, smart things to say about financial products. Ugh.

But here's some news: I've started a new blog that will be dedicated to our adoption. You can find it here.

We're also putting up a Website that will give you even more info about the adoption with a link for donations. I may try to link the blog and the website, if I can figure out how to do that!

I'm finding out how technologically challenged I am.

Oh well.
Enjoy the new blog. I'll try to start posting more often. Stay tuned for the new website...

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