Monday, March 03, 2008

"I am sicker than a dog"

That's my new six-word memoir.

It figures. I was just bragging to a coworker last week that I NEVER get sick. HA. HA. Then two days later I'm suffering from a headache, stuffy nose, achy muscles and sore throat. I tried to plow through my weekend chores, but I had to lie down and rest every 30 minutes. I managed to pick up the house, pay some bills online, go to the grocery store. But that's about it. Otherwise I was on the couch moaning and snuffling.

Feeling a bit better this morning, although I AM SO READY FOR SPRING! Today I woke up to rain that is supposed to turn to snow this afternoon. Ugh. I contemplating taking a sick day, but couldn't decide if I was sick enough. So I took a shower, felt a bit better, drove to work in the rain, and now here I am at my desk. I'm am feeling better. It's amazing what a Grande Iced Americano can do.

Thanks to all who contributed a Six Word Memoir. I think Jane's was my favorite: Love and loss have softened me. Knowing what she's been through in the past year, it is very poignant. Read her story here.

I guess the Six Word Memoir is making the rounds. had readers write their own. Here are some of my favorites:

"Failure was apparently an option here"
"Frankly, it is all about me."
"Don't even try to plan it."

And my all-time favorite: "Fat man in a sweater vest."

Maybe I have a strange sense of humor, but that one made me laugh out loud!

Now, here's the memoir i WANT to write: "Found my path, walked it fearlessly."

But unfortunately, too many times I question the path I'm on, and I let fear get the best of me. Then I'm paralyzed. If I could only be sure of my path and walk it fearlessly. How does one get there? How do you get to a place where you're confident of your path and have the courage to walk it with boldness and without fear?

Well, maybe I'm going to answer my own question: We handed in our application to The Cradle last week. We've been assigned a social worker for our home study, and so we're just waiting to get a phone call from her to set up an appointment.

It's scary and exciting at the same time.

And to make it even more exciting, last week David gave me the BEST VALENTINE'S DAY PRESENT EVER.

He gave me flowers on Valentine's Day, but told me he was "making" another gift for me that wasn't done yet. So I waited all week for my second Valentine's Gift. To be honest, I thought he was writing me a song (I couldn't think of anything else he would "make" for me). But last Sunday he finally revealed his gift: An adoption website! Yep, he's creating this whole adoption website where we can tell everyone about our exciting Ethiopian Adventure. It's almost done, and we'll be posting the URL soon. So stay tuned.....


Modiste1000 said...

Hey there. Found you through Jane's blog.

My memoir in six words: "Pink hair makes everyone smile more."

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sorry. I didn't know how to edit. Anyway, in six words; Kicking and screaming all the way.